best restaurants in Luxembourg

The best restaurants in Luxembourg: It may be one of the smallest countries in Europe, but Luxembourg is nonetheless a land of gastronomy. Indeed, it is certainly the country in the world with the most Michelin-starred restaurants. It is the ideal destination for all lovers of regional specialties and gourmet dishes, but also for lovers of world cuisine, revisited with passion and audacity by Luxembourg chefs. We have gathered eight of our favorite restaurants in Luxembourg for you. Ready for a tasting?

Where do you eat in Luxembourg? Treat yourself to a Michelin-starred restaurant

As you will have understood, Luxembourg is positioned among the best countries to go to for a stay under the sign of gastronomy and refinement. Here are four establishments where you can reserve a table urgently, known and recognized by several internationally renowned gastronomic guides.

Ma Langue Sourit , Moutfort

In an atmosphere that is simple, warm, and refined, the chef of the famous restaurant Ma Langue Sourit and his team do everything they can to make you experience a timeless culinary adventure. On the plate, the work is focused on taste, of course, but also on the visual and olfactory experience. On the menu, we find dishes inspired by the noblest seasonal products.

Ma Langue Sourit , Moutfort

Here, vegetables, meats, and fish are in the spotlight. You can choose formulas composed of four, six, or eight courses, taking all your senses on a journey from the first to the last bite. The quality of the welcome and service that accompany this wonderful meal are also to be highlighted. Between relaxation and professionalism, you feel as comfortable as you are listened to.

Fani, Roeser, a star

Led by chef Roberto Fani (named Chef of the Year 2023 by the Gault & Millau guide), the cuisine at the Fani restaurant stands out for its creativity and audacity. Here too, we experience much more than just a taste experience. The dishes are intended to be aesthetic, seducing guests from the first glance. While the chef’s main inspiration is Italy, he also enjoys developing original menus based on the seasonal products available.

His passion and experience are transmitted through dishes that appear simple but are always deliciously prepared. In the style of a traditional Italian restaurant, the menu is presented in its classic form: Antipasti, Primi Piatti, Secondi Piatti, and Dolci. Note that it is also possible to opt for a completely vegetarian menu.

The Villa of Camille and Julien, Luxembourg City, one star

Freshly awarded a star, the restaurant La Villa de Camille et Julien shows a certain commitment in its positions regarding a more “thoughtful” and eco-responsible cuisine. Yes, it is possible to sublimate the best that the earth offers us while respecting it from the beginning to the end of the culinary creation process. Here, we choose seasonal products, pay attention to the packaging of the products, and favor short circuits.

The Villa of Camille and Julien, Luxembourg City,

Some ingredients come straight from the neighboring vegetable garden. La Villa’s cuisine showcases Luxembourg’s local produce and revisits vegetables in all their forms. On the plate, the dishes also revisit French traditions. The restaurant also offers a children’s menu, perfect for an unforgettable family outing.

The Distillery, Junglinster, one star

Nestled in the heart of the Château de Bourglinster, the restaurant of chef René Mathieu offers us an entirely plant-based cuisine, which we are convinced will suit everyone. Season after season, the menus are adapted to the colors of the surrounding nature.

The universe of the house is refined and creative, coupled with a touch of mysticism and a dose of poetry. In addition, you will enjoy a particularly exceptional setting. In a warm and historical environment, you will be directly immersed in the cultural and lively atmosphere of the Château. One thing is certain: we have here all the ingredients to create beautiful moments shared around a meal.

The best restaurants in Luxembourg: embark on a gastronomic world tour

A land of traditions at the crossroads of cultures, Luxembourg also attracts talented chefs from all over the world. At the table of one of these restaurants, prepare to travel very far for a delicious meal.

Ryôdô, Japanese cuisine, Luxembourg City

Head to Asia and Japan with the cuisine of Ryôdô in the Luxembourg capital. The chef, Ryodo Kajiwara, offers an extremely neat and qualitative version of traditional makis and other popular Japanese bites. In constant search of “umami” (translated as “savory taste”), the team works carefully with a variety of fish.

Ryôdô, Japanese cuisine, Luxembourg City

We delight in the tuna belly and red tuna sushi without forgetting to taste the famous temaki with aquitaine caviar. But the house specialty is perhaps Wagyu sushi, a prestigious Japanese beef. Ryôdô also offers menus inspired by Japanese bento, developed around tempura, ravioli, and other Japanese omelets. As for desserts, here again, we marvel at the finesse of the sweets offered. Made by two talented Ukrainian pastry chefs, they showcase matcha tea, mochi, and other sweet specialties from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Mosconi, Italian cuisine, Luxembourg City

Still in the heart of the capital, the Mosconi restaurant, run by chef Ilario Mosconi, transports you to Italy for a fabulous culinary round trip. Here, the dishes are honest and authentic, reflecting the noblest aspects of Italian cuisine. White truffles, homemade pasta, and other Italian cheeses flatter the palate.

The chef offers great classics of Italian cuisine, including veal Milanese or traditional spaghetti dishes. Moreover, if you are a pasta fan, we advise you to choose a menu built around this Italian emblem. Vegetarians will also find what they are looking for around a beautiful plate of ricotta or asparagus.

La Cusquenita, Peruvian cuisine, Luxembourg City

Take off this time for Peru, to the table of a restaurant that is definitely out of the ordinary. At Cusquenita, you will find typical flavors of Latin America, between red meats, seafood, and spices with a strong identity.

The most popular dish on the menu is surely ceviche: traditional, with salmon or octopus, it is simply delicious. Local products are mixed with indigenous products, and we take pleasure in discovering fried cassava with spicy sauce or even grilled chicken with aguaymanto fruit sauce. Note that Cusquenita also offers several vegetarian options.

Lux’Burgers, American cuisine, Luxembourg City

This hamburger restaurant will convince all palates. In the dining room of this 100% Luxembourgish fast food restaurant, a friendly and welcoming atmosphere reigns. The elaborate recipes highlight ingredients and flavors that are as French as British, Italian, or German.

Of course, a recipe with Royal Luxembourg raw ham is added to this delicious picture. If you are a vegetarian, don’t panic. The famous hamburgers are also available in a meat-free version. Don’t forget to accompany it all with a basket of freshly prepared fries…

Bonus: the most beautiful restaurants in Luxembourg

If, for you as for us, the content of the plate is definitely an important variable, it remains that a well-crafted decor contributes to spending a beautiful moment around the table. Discover two of these establishments with a unique visual identity.

Le Chiggeri, Luxembourg City

Upon arrival, you will be charmed by the unique and authentic character offered by Chiggeri in the Ville Haute district of the capital. The menu is simple but effective and is based around bistro-style cuisine at very affordable prices. There are also some revisited international specialties, such as the burrata hamburger or the prawn risotto.

But the establishment’s strength lies above all in the atmosphere in which it immerses us. Its fascinating wall frescoes and its decoration borrowed from different cultures give it that little something “extra”, sometimes retro, sometimes esoteric. Outside, its terrace offers you a superb view of the Alzette Valley. Its latest asset? Every week, the Chiggeri organizes dinners in the dark for a resolutely unique sensory experience.

The South, Luxembourg City

On the banks of Clausen, head to Le Sud, a gourmet restaurant that extends over the multiple floors of a former brewery. On the top floor, its panoramic terrace takes center stage. At the same time, what could be better than enjoying a meal overlooking the old town of Luxembourg and its green hills? The other spaces are not far behind.

We will appreciate its old-style dining room, lit by sparkling crystal chandeliers. The stone walls add a touch of warmth to the whole thing, which certainly makes us want to come back. At the table, we delight in menus lovingly prepared by chef Cyril Solbes. You can also discover vegan cuisine, available in all its most beautiful forms.

By Aariz zaman

MBA with a passion for exploring the USA. Helping you discover amazing places, find exciting jobs, and make the most of your American adventure.

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